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[转载]【扬升大师EL MORYA】5月12日《众神的回归---Ⅱ》



I am amongst you!




I am El Morya – Master from the Light, enlightened consciousness, which guides human Beings to enlightenment, Chohan of the blue flame of clarity, courage and truth. In this Light, Life reveals itself to you as it is; in its full abundance and far from any deceptions. I am with you, as I have been with you in many ages; endowed with assignments, as you are, and as you are today, fitted with all heavenly instruments for it.


我是El Morya---光之大师,开悟的意识,指引人类到达启蒙,明晰、勇气和真理的蓝色火焰。在这个光中,生命向你揭示自身;在它完整的丰盛中,远离任何的欺骗。我与你在,正如在许多时代中我一直和你在忆起;被赋予了任务,就跟你一样,就像今天的你,配备了所有神圣的工具


I am also a very good expert of human life and I know your fate and your issues, which you face now. I know what it means to be in service on earth and to be confronted with this reality. I know how it is to be subjected to a lack of love. But I also know how it is to overcome this condition and to

experience love.




And now I would like to guide you there, so that you may follow my track and the track of the ascended Masters, by overcoming this world today and transform yourself – into Gods, which you all are!




Discard your Powerlessness!




Powerlessness is an energy, which blocks you in all areas, whereby you become incapable of acting.Recognize, and this is of great significance, how powerful you are! You are powerful due to your knowledge, powerful due to your spoken word, powerful due to your seeded actions.




Become aware that the universal energy of an omnipresent God emanates from you, and thereby you are able to change any condition or create any condition.




Too many human Beings still see themselves lacking protection, without hope and foremost to be powerlessly subjected to the events of this time! This is a fallacy, which could not be any greater.Yet it requires your self-consciousness, an entity, which has recognized itself, in order to appear with certitude and self-evidently. Therefore I say to you:All events on the geo-political stage of the world – in the outer – and all events in your immediate personal environment, serve in order to lead you to a new self-image.




Clear decisions are only possible due to clear thinking and your purified inner Being.




Therefore as you look at the events in the world and at the often massive adjustments to new circumstances in your life, as a world threatens to break down without the new world becoming visible, these are good signs that you are being liberated from blockages and belief patterns.




Some situation must become unbearable for a human Being or for human society, before enough willpower and transformation energy for a change can build up.




World is being purified




Actually this world is being purified from the ground up! Meaning, the great purification, which has already been announced to you, is ongoing.What surfaces is truly far from anything understandable,because a compassionate Being can barely understand to which evil acts human Beings are capable of and which dark conditions have been consciously created in this world.




The character of this 3D matrix reveals itself and the more Light flows into this process, the more massive and also more horrible are the facts, which reach the light of day of the public.Please be aware: What has been redeemed step by step over many ages, today finds salvation in a great throw and in an instant. The redemption tasks no longer take place step by step, instead in a unique time quality of All-That-Is, whereby the vibration window opens to the 5th dimension.




This is the reason why these events must present a unique sequence in quantity and in quality – and they do this beyond all measures. To understand this, initially creates relief and awareness, because whoever understands can deal with anxieties in an entirely different manner and can perform an extremely valuable contribution to this time of transformation.




The phase of global as well as individual transformation will still go on for some time, until you reach the point when you can perceive the new world as “real”.




Seeing the 5th Dimension




Already today, it seems to many of you that both worlds, the lower vibrating 3D levels and the higher vibrating 5D levels exist simultaneously. Again and again you are fed into different levels of All-That-Is.Thereby the world of the 5th dimension becomes increasingly visible; an inner sight and capture is possible today and as a next step this world will also arise for your human senses in front of you. Until then it is necessary to capture this “discrepancy” with your human mind, whereby the dark exists side by side with the Light in a unique peculiarity – then much has been achieved and understood, and an inner peace appears. But now back to your “power”. Know:




Each one of your thoughts, every spoken word, each deed has the strength to change a situation.




Today it is necessary to be fully conscious of this fact – also and foremost then, as, based on a mandate, which was done by you, you do not immediately notice a change in your environment or even in the world. Meaning, you must be clear in your sensations, thoughts and words – and the clearer you are, the greater is your power of creation.The reverse conclusion that a human Being, who is blocked in his Being, is barely capable to create forcefully is also true.Therefore it is necessary to continue to redeem and setting light-filled impulses, until they are realized.




„School of Liberation“




Today you are attending the “school of liberation”.You are being freed from your false life concepts!This is a very painful process. Thereby much is initially taken from you and only once you are without clothes and naked, meaning, you have been freed from all false imprinting, you will be given everything.From powerlessness to true power, this is the way, which is now enabled for you.




And many of you already have an idea how this new strength feels and many of you have advanced far on this path, whereupon your power is claimed more and more.The great awakening has started, measured great in quality and not in the number of human Beings. More and more the Light penetrates you and your life changes again. Whoever continues to foster old habits, which have fulfilled their significance, have a hard time, because the Now obeys the instant and does not know past or future, takes any tradition ad absurdum, and dissolves the deadlocked behavior patterns of old time in Human Beings.




Utilize today all energies, which flow to you from Heaven and are made available – they are the Creator’s infinite rivers of Grace.




The more darkness seems to spread the closer is the Light,because darkness can only be recognized as the Light shines there. Therefore the facts, which today come to light of the worldwide public, are an indisputable proof of how much the process of healing has advanced and how the finding of the truth for mankind continues.




Foremost know this: Today you are a great number in this world, in a great number as light warriors and light messengers! Never before were so many self-conscious entities incarnated in this world. The Gods you wait for have returned a long time ago, only most of you are not really aware of it.Therefore this fact is repeatedly being announced to you, until you have internalized this and thereby have changed your life in this certitude.




You are neither slaves of the system nor an instrument of the matrix. You are creator of a new world and fully conscious entities from God’s inherent origin.




And the dark powers of time were most afraid of this awakening of mankind for eons. This is the reason why a system was created, which cut off all human Beings from the divine life source.Thereby the awakening was prevented for a long time.




Now this time is over! Now the final and farewell event is in full swing and at its end stands: the separation of darkness and the victory of the Light!Gratefully accept further changes in your life!Now unique avenues of insight are being opened for the actual light warriors, those, who love God from the bottom of their heart.




It is your divine nature to bail from the abundance of all Life. And in order to attain this, is to overcome the lower human nature.




And thereby we stand with you. We, the ascended Masters and myself, who I have been, are and remain amongst you, until together we return into the Light.




The return of Gods in human Gestalt on earth fulfills for the last time. Heaven expects you, the long journey is over and it is now only necessary to take the last step:The step into your reality.




I love you infinitely,









通灵:Jahn J Kassl

翻译:Nick Chan

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