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【传    导】JennySchiltz

【翻    译】shan-athana

【日    期】201507



I come to you today filled with love and admiration. What you have chosen to undertake and are succeeding at are remarkable. Each of you chose to come into earth to learn. To learn things that you could not experience elsewhere. You chose to learn the rawness of all the emotions and the repercussions of each one. You chose to learn the joys and the heartache of duality. You chose to learn in an environment far from home and under the guise of being disconnected from source. This is no small task and we are amazed at your progress and all that you will return home with. Each of you are learning valuable lessons and are experiencing such a range of emotions from bliss to the deepest sorrow. With this information you will return home wiser and knowledgeable in so many areas. It will be like the student returning home from college or from an extended time away with another culture. Your eyes will have been opened, your horizons broadened and every decision you make will be colored with what you have learned on earth. How could you let greed into your world, your planet when you have seen and experienced it on earth? Do you see how important all that you are experiencing is?




We want you to understand that as you progress through the journey of ascension, that none of you have ever been fully disconnected from source. You have always been connected, but is is that you chose to forget so that you could fully experience and learn from all life on earth has to offer. While some will ascend and return home, the majority of you have chosen to stay. It is you that will be the beacon of light and the guide posts for the rest of humanity to follow.




Ascension does not mean that one is done learning. It simply means that you have transcended duality and see the beauty in the process. As each of you move through the dimensions, there is still much learning that will take place as you merge more completely with your highest aspect. You can consider it as getting your college degree. It is learning, but from a higher perspective.




Many of you are excited and anxious as you sense the large changes taking place as wave after wave of life altering energy hits your planet. Some of you are anticipating changes on a massive scale. With this, we agree that the changes will be massive, but they will not occur in an instant. They will occur slowly so that each of you has time to adjust to the new frequencies. For this reason we have urged all of you to keep a journal of your progress, of the signs and synchronicity that you experience. Upon looking back you will see the changes you have made. For some this season will bring drastic life changes, for others it will be subtle changes in your thinking, your reactions, and how you view your place in the world. Many of you will experience an opening of your sensitivities. You will be able to feel, see, hear more of the world, the one you can see and the one you perceive. Keeping a journal of your progress will also help to make you aware of the changes and your perceptions. You will see a pattern emerge and you will be able to see if you are looking at the positive or negative aspects of this process. Your mind is a powerful tool and with a simple change in thought, your entire outlook will change. This realization put into action will help you to become the master you yearn to be.




As with all change, there will be those that will go into fear. This is a normal state of duality. We urge you not to follow suit. Ask yourself if what you are hearing causes your heart to close in fear or to open in expansion.Your reaction determines your vibration and in many ways is a test to see if you are ready to leave duality. Not all are, as there is still more learning that can take place. For those ready to move beyond the invaluable teachings offered by duality they will be tested to see if they can remain open hearted, fearless and guided by love in all things. This is an exciting time and we hope that you are able to bask in its glory.



爱与尊敬With love and admiration,




【个人与撒南达对话】Personal Conversation with Sananda:


Me: I noticed last week that I would have two trains of thought at exactly the same time. One positive, one negative, like joy and sorrow existing at the same time.




Sananda: Yes, this is happening to make you aware that in every moment you can choose how you view a situation, person, or thing. While you can not change these you can choose your reactions in all moments.




Me: What was interesting is that in one moment I chose to follow the sad verses the joy. Yet, the joy followed the path allowing me to opportunity to choose it once I was done experiencing the sad.




Sananda: There is value in both roads and learning that takes place. It is important to know that at any moment you can choose to experience a different line of thought.




Me: While writing the channeling mind kept returning to my daughter who just graduated high school. The last few months of high school were a whirlwind of tests, plans, obligations and excitement. So many emotions that a graduating senior goes through. Yet, it was all so fast that I’m not sure she’s completely process it all. It this what you meant by hoping we bask in the glory of this process?




Sananda: That is exactly what I meant. All that is happening seems to occur quickly yet achingly slow at the same time. Like your daughter, many will look back and realize that everything has changed but in many ways some things have stayed the same. It is this way with all transitions in life.




Me: I have seen where people believe that this transition will remove them from earth. This concern me as I worry that if that is not their reality they will experience depression and disillusionment.




Sananda: There will be some that will leave, but for most this is not the case as they have volunteered to help the rest of humanity and to experience life on earth from a higher perspective. For those seeking escape, they may feel deep sadness if their desire is not granted. We ask that they continue going within. When they have merged with their highest self they will no longer feel the need nor desire to leave. Merging with the highest aspect allows one o see that all is amazingly perfect in its lessons and growth.



我希望我的问题和答案可以象帮助我一样帮助到你,为你为我自己发送所有的爱,祝福  Jenny

I hope my questions and answers help you in the same way it did me. Sending you and myself all the love we can handle. May you be blessed. <3

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