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Cobra Interview – Introduction to the Disclosure Chronicles August 2015


翻译: Xiam 侠木 
 Lynn - Welcome ladies and gentleman to another episode of Prepare for Change Radio Show. Weare about to embark upon a new structure to our Cobra interview. This series of interviewswill be called The Disclosure Chronicles. It will not be just random questions andinformation that people WANT to hear but contain questions with important information thatpeople NEED to hear, especially in this transitional time we are currently experiencing which is the end of dark ages that brought enslavement and control to our planet. In time we are moving into is the beginning of a world of freedom and never before experienced love& abundance. The purpose of these interviews is to bring a beacon of light exposing truth to all those awakened individuals who truly want to see, hear and feel truth. We will allow a period of current event questions.

女士先生们好,欢迎收听新一期访问, 今天我们邀请眼镜蛇进入我们节目,这期节目我们起名叫“历史真相大揭密”!  今天的节目不会有大量人们想要知道的问题, 但会有很多人们需要知道的问题, 尤其我们当下都在经历给星球带来奴役和控制的黑暗势力的终结点。同时这个当下我们很快会进入一个完全自由、爱和丰盛的世界。访谈的目的是给那些已经觉醒的存有,那些真正想去看到、听到、感受到真理的独特的存有们, 给他们光的灯塔。我们会处理这当下关于【事件】的问题。

We have never been given an accurate account of our history because of war down through the ages; all records/libraries were burned and people killed. Invading forces did not want a record of what came before. That way history could be shaped to the advantage of the victors. This is why you don’t know your true history but it is now time to learn and Cobra will help us to discover the truth.

我们从来没有得到人类历史的精确资料,因为战争贯穿着人类历史, 资料和图书馆被烧毁,人类被杀掉。入侵地球的势力不希望人类有那些资料,因为那些资料会对入侵地球的势力非常不利, 这就是你无法得知你的过去历史的原因, 现在就是在眼镜蛇的帮助下去重新探索历史和真理的时候了。

For clarity and ease of discussion the “Royal He” is used here. It does not denote gender but rather lends to an easier discussion of this warrior of the light. Cobra is a high level warrior for the light. His sources of intel are both internal and external. Some,unfamiliar with Cobra may ask why is he so secretive? Sometimes information can lead to unwanted consequences for others so this information needs to be kept undisclosed for safety reasons. Because of his ability to be a force for change and light upon the planet and combat the forces of darkness; Cobra has been a target for destruction by the dark.

High level beings have instructed him to remain “under cover” at this time for his own protection. When doing voice interviews Cobra’s voice is modulated. He does not talk about himself in a personal sense. We respect that for him. He was instructed to use an alias name also for his protection. Why did he choose the name COBRA? He chose the name COBRA because it is a description of his mission. It means: “Compression BRAkethrough”. At an undisclosed time the power of this planet will shift to the light. Dark forces will no longer have any hold on the lives and mind’s of the people of Earth. Instead the planet will be infused with the love, light and knowledge of the truth. Love will be the prevailing emotion of our people. War will not have any place within our society. We want peace. The people of Earth are tired of suffering the trauma of loss, of losing family and friends to war. There are no winners in war— both sides are losers. In this New World peace, love, unity and brotherhood will prevail. It will be the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. And so it will be!

为清晰和简单,我们使用“神圣者”这个名称来形容眼镜蛇, 这个名称不指向男性或女性, 其含义是光战士。眼镜蛇是一位高级光的战士。他的讯息包括高级科技和世界局势。一些对眼镜蛇不了解的人也许会问,为啥眼镜蛇如此神秘? 有时候讯息会导向你不需要的结果,故保密部分讯息是为了安全原因.因为眼镜蛇的能力,他是促进转变的能量,也是把光带到地球的战士,同时参加对黑暗的秘法战争! 眼镜蛇已经成为黑暗方要攻击的目标. 更高振动的存有要求眼镜蛇保持自己的隐秘状态。所以眼镜蛇的访谈声音被处理过。他不谈论关于他自己的讯息。为什么他选择名字cobra? 他选这个名字是因为 这个名字是短语“压缩突破”的缩写。在某一刻,地表的能量会完全转变, 黑暗将无法在地球上继续控制人类和人类的精神,爱、光和真理将替代黑暗, 完全充满地球!


The purpose of these periodic interviews with Cobra (not necessarily monthly) but when the time is right with the staff of Prepare for Change, at Prepare for Change Radio Show. The group of Prepare for Change began in May 2013 at the request of Cobra for the purpose of involving the people in the process of liberating our planet. If you have a pull in that direction and you want to be a part of this global movement I encourage you to go to

http://prepareforchange.net/ and look up Event Support Groups. Join us! As Cobra says:“The Breakthrough is near!”  With that I welcome Cobra!


COBRA -  Thank you for your invitation.


Lynn - Thank you Cobra for being with us.  Do you have anything to add to what I have just said?


 COBRA - This is quite a group description, of part of my mission and it is actually not so much important who am I, it is much more important that the liberation of the planet happens and that should be the focus of those interviews.

眼镜蛇:刚才对于团队的介绍非常好! 我的任务是协助解放地球, 名字对于这个任务起不到什么作用, 我的访谈都是一个重点,就是协助解放地球。

Lynn - Yes.  Well that is our desire too.  What we wanted to do was start with some general questions that relate to our current situation and where we’re going and where it’s leading.  So this is where we’ll start with the questions and I’ll read these to you. 

是的,解放地球也是我们的愿望。每次访谈我们都用这些典型的问题来开头,这些问题是,人类现在的情况和我们将会怎么样?  现在,眼镜蛇先生,我把这些问题读给你。

There is a nasty financial war going on right now where the Chinese, who are claiming they own rights to ALL of the gold stashes in diverse areas of South East Asia and around the world, and therefore claim to outright own the entire wealth of the planet; and the Cabal controlled Western banking system that keeps printing fiat money, cross collateralizing their loans and just plain inventing new financial Ponzi schemes to come up with their never ending cash flow just to stay afloat and stay in power.  What is the current plan of the Resistance Movement (RM) to put a definite stop to this 'Lord of the rings' style financial frenzy destructive power madness?

一场肮脏的金融战争在发生, 中国人声称他们对东南亚和全世界隐藏的黄金拥有主权,中国人合理的宣传他们对全球财富拥有完全的主权。西方控制的银行系统在继续印强势的货币,交叉抵押他们的金融衍生品,平庸的继续设计庞氏金融骗局,维持他们的现金流,保持他们的权力和避免倾覆。这当下抵抗运动有没有计划来终止这个疯狂有破坏性的、指环王模式的金融系统?

COBRA - OK.  I have actually discussed this plan many times.  It is the plan for the event.So we are now entering a new phase of this situation and in this new phase as I said many times before, there needs to be a certain level of consensus between the major players on the surface of the planet; what future they would like to have.  And even if that consensus is not reached the energies from the galactic center are getting more and more intense and this means that the situation will continue to escalate because everything that has been suppressed must come to the surface one way or the other.  So in this situation we are now, regardless of what the surface population does, regardless of what any of the factions does, the outcome will be the same.  You can influence the process to make it easier for ourselves and for the planet by making coordinated action and awakening people who are working towards that final goal.

好的,我已经描述过抵抗运动的计划好多次了,就是服务于【事件】的金融重置计划。我们已经进入了这个计划的新的一个阶段,如同我说过许多次一样,这个新的章节需要地表的各方势力取得一致性的认同:什么样的未来是他们想要的?如果人类共识没有在银河源头能量持续加强的情况下达到关键点.  那么情况还会是继续改善. 因为一切被压抑的东西都会以一种或者其他方式被带到表面。所以我们现在的情况,无论地表人类怎么做无论各方势力怎么做结局都只有一个.你可以影响到进程,  使我们更容易的转变,星球更加协调的转变。觉醒的意识们都在朝这个目标在努力!

Lynn -  The Red Dragons have publicly admitted that the Cabal has always been under theirorganizational structure, that the Dragon families themselves have been financing theirbanks which have been under their main source of power.  Why are these two playing ‘goodcop bad cop’ in front of everyone?   Have they been working together all along!

红龙已经官方承认, 阴谋集团一直存在在他们的组织里面。龙族已经募集资金到一个他们控制的银行, 为什么会有一个有点象好警察斗坏警察的场面出现在每个人的眼中? 他们到底是不是在一起工作呀!

COBRA - OK.  This is probably not coming from the Red Dragons.  It’s probably coming, this statement is coming from one of the internet sources.  The real Red Dragon families were always fighting the Rothschild’s and were fighting the Jesuits.  But there are many people who are claiming to be Red Dragons so you need to be very careful with those statements. and the real Red Dragon families were NEVER working together with the Cabal.

好, 你说的这个不一定是来自红龙,你说的这个声明来自一个互联网信息源.真正的红龙家族一直都在和罗斯柴尔德家族的势力战斗,也和耶稣会战斗。网上有好多人自称是红龙,但你必须非常小心的去对待这些人的声明.真正的红龙家族永远不会和阴谋集团合作!

Lynn - OK.  Thank you for clarifying that.  Will you enlighten us on the true origins and history of the true Dragon Families and why are they complaining about the Cabal when it is now known they have always financed, behind the curtains, the Illuminati all throughout our known history?

好呀,感谢你对情况的澄清。你能不能启迪一下我们, 真正的龙族的起源和历史?今天我们大家都知道了光明会的存在,为什么龙族一边供养光明会 一边指责光明会呀? 在某些掩饰下面,光明会一直都影响人类的已知历史吗?

COBRA - The real Red Dragon families actually originated in the Ming Dynasty when they were beginning to see the danger of the Archon invasion in China.  They have been working underground since then to keep China protected from those invasions.  They were not very successful in that because they had to work from underground.  They’re are actually many many different aspects of different Dragon families, the Red Dragons are more focused on the are finances and politics.  The Blue dragons are more focused on the spiritual work and there are also many different aspects within the same portion of the Dragons.  There are may blue Dragon families, many red dragon families and they are not always in complete harmony with each other and they are not always completely aligned with each other.  There is still a lot of human factor involved but the true Dragon families are all dedicated to the liberation of the planet.

真正的红龙实际上在明朝的时候被组织起来的。他们当时意识到了执政官入侵中华的危险。自从那时候起他们就在地下工作,以避免更多的入侵,其实他们并不是非常成功。实际上龙族有很多的面向。红龙致力于金融和政治,蓝龙致力于于灵性修为, 蓝龙也有好多不同的面向,来自真龙的一部分。有许多的红龙蓝龙家族成员们,他们并不彼此完全的和谐工作, 他们也不会完全的承认和认可其他成员。龙族们还有一些很复杂的个人恩怨影响, 但真正的龙之家族是一直都奉献于地球解放的。

 Lynn - Is there a Dragon family or a faction of a Dragon family that is now specifically working for the light?


COBRA - There are many Dragon families that are not working with the light.  

Lynn - Are there any that are.

那么他们是什么情况呢 ?

 COBRA -   As I’ve said before, as in any group the Dragon, there are mixed groups, there are positive groups and there are negative groups.  There are positive Dragon families, there are mixed Dragon families and there are those working directly with the Cabal.  And even within one particular family there are individuals that are dedicated to the light and there are individuals who are working against the light.  We have pretty much mixed situation on the planet.

就像我说过的, 龙族的团体,有混合的, 有正面的,有负面的。有正面的龙族,有混合的龙族, 还有直接服务于阴谋集团的龙族.同时, 就算在某龙族家庭里面,有个别人专注于光,也有个别人致力于对抗光明势力。地球上有太多复杂的情况了.

Lynn - OK.  Thank you.  Another question I have is; realistically all of the royal families around the world are blood related with one another and are always just 'pretending' to be in 'war ' with each other to constantly consolidate their power grip on their 'subjects' - by their ' Order Through Chaos ' Modus Operandi.  Can you discuss with us how this is 'We are superior' royal system is finally going to end when the families are NEVER going to relinquish their power to the people?

好的,谢谢你. 我这里还有这样一个问题:  实际上, 全世界的皇室成员们其实都有血缘联系.  他们喜欢假装彼此对立,从而不间断的在世界上制造战争对抗不幸。其实他们都一个典型的模式: 通过混乱产生秩序 的方式运作, 以这种在战争和混乱中巩固自己的方式运作 他们把这个模式叫做 项目. 你能不能和我们说说,“我们是高级货”这个皇室血脉系统如果不把他们的特权释放, 他们会走向灭亡吗。

COBRA - They will be forced to relinquish their power to the event and the process of themass arrest when the key members of the cabal will be arrested and they will be tried infair trials but everything that has been suppressed, all the truth will be exposed and all their actions will be pretty much in the open and the masses will begin to understand what is going on on the planet and it will no longer be able to continue.

【事件】会取消他们的权力。他们的核心成员会在大逮捕中被逮捕,接受公正的审判, 真相会被释放,他们的一切行为都会公开, 劳苦大众会知道这个星球上一直在发生什么事。而且他们的犯罪行为无法在星球上继续存在。

 Lynn - Thank you.  Can you talk a little about the Global Collateral Accounts?  What they are and any information you can give us on that.

感谢你, 你能多少说点情况,关于全球抵押品账户吗?  这玩意是什么,你有点讯息给我们吗?

COBRA - The global collateral account has been actually been formed decades ago.  The original purpose of those collateral accounts was to, for them to serve as the tool for humanitarian projects and to birth abundance to humanity, but those collateral accounts have been pirated by those Cabal families and they have been actually used for quite some time to control humanity.  And now the positive Dragon factions are working behind the scenes to re-direct the collateral accounts for their original purpose.  And there is a lot of manipulation and a lot of things going on regarding those accounts especially the last few years and all these will be brought to completion at the time of the event.


 Lynn - According to the resistance movement, is there any updated future plans for these accounts or is there any changes.

抵抗组织的计划里面, 有没有一些这些账户的更新和改变呢?

【译注:RM组织,就是抵抗运动, 是1970年代由人类在光明势力的协助下创立了。1999年得到了X星存有的加入】

 COBRA - There have been no big changes because the plan is pretty much brought to perfection regarding this.  There are other things that are less finalized and a little bit more complicated.  But the financial aspect of the situation of when the time is right will not be a big problem.


Lynn - Wonderful.   About 13,000 years ago, the Draco's created and have been supporting the Illuminati because they do the Reptilian biddings through means of ruling us through chaos & violence.  How can a culture like the Illuminati that was purposely created out of wars & Satanism possibly ever have the hopes to be reformed?

太好了! 大约一万3千年前, 天龙星人受到他们的爬虫文明的指示创立和支持光明会, 以混乱和暴力的方式来统治我们。光明会这么一个以战争和撒旦崇拜的组织, 是否会有计划被光明势力改正呢?

COBRA - OK, many beings within the Illuminati structure were not there by their free will and they wanted to get out and they will be able to get out and a part of this structure will be brought over to the light so there is much hope for many beings that were part of that structure. 

好, 很多在光明会里面的存有,他们不是自愿加入光明会的, 光明会这个组织很多人会回到光中,光明会系统里面有不少存有是有很大希望摆脱组织的。

Lynn - Our entire human & creation history has been altered, rewritten & edited by a group of individuals in order to enslave humanity.  What sources of accurate information could you recommend where we can find true history so we may start learning the real history of mankind & of Creation ?

我们整个人类历史都被曲解、重写、编撰过了,被一个特殊的服务于奴役人性的团队。眼镜蛇,你有什么讯息来源,  你能建议一些方式让我们去找回我们的过去,开始学习关于男性能量和创造的真正的历史?

 COBRA - There are no perfect resources of information about human history.  The general direction I would say if people want to learn more about human history is to study the existence of Atlantis.  But again, most information about Atlantis is pure speculation.  A few years ago I have posted an article of Atlantis on my blog and there are links there. Those links there are pretty much reliable.

关于人类历史,没有真正完美的讯息来源,让我来说,人类学习过去的大体上的方式是,认知亚特兰蒂斯的存在.但是再一次提醒,关于亚特兰蒂斯的讯息很多纯属猜测。前几年,我写过一篇关于亚特兰蒂斯的文章发我博客了,里面有一些链接, 那些链接还比较可信。

Lynn - OK.  Great.  What is the status of the 'Event' at this point according to the resistance movement and what can we do today to speed up the process of bringing about this final victory of the light through The Event?


 COBRA - OK. The situation is pretty much the same as it was a few weeks ago.  We are still in the process of clearing the stragelet bombs and the chimera group and this is the main obstacle remaining.  There have been many minor victories but we have not yet made the final breakthrough and the most important thing people can do is to help with the weekly liberation meditation and to spread their understanding of the situation to awaken the masses.  The more awakening there is on the surface of the planet, the easier it is for the light forces to remove whatever is remaining to prevent the event.

好, 情况和几周前非常相似. 我们还处于清理炸弹和奇美拉团体的过程, 这是剩下的主要障碍了, 我们取得了一些胜利,但是突破还没有发生。当下最重要的事,就是参加全球解放冥想,传播你所知道的真相给劳苦大众。地表人类的觉醒程度越高, 光明势力移除阻止【事件】的障碍就会越容易。

 Lynn - What sound advice do you have for all those still unawakened who do not believe anything of the upcoming planetary physical & positive geopolitical changes coming to the planet and to add all those awakened individuals who are still skeptical of the impact of The Event?

你有什么建议给那些还没有觉醒的人、不相信地球即将迎来的物理和政治上的大转变的人, 还有那些已经觉醒,但是对【事件】的冲击担忧的人呢?

 COBRA -  A certain aspect of skepticism is good.  There is no proof before things happen. Even if people are skeptical it is good they are informed about the possible future because when things begin to happen and if they are informed, they will know what to do.  It is good for anybody to study the situation and inform themselves and when things begin to happen there will be no more need for skepticism or doubt because things will be happening.There is actually one part of the psychological warfare is for the Cabal to give impressions to the masses that nothing is going on.  This is one of the major operations of the Archons.  They keep maintaining the illusion that everything stays the same and this will be maintained until the final breakthrough.   Nothing drastically before the major breakthrough happens.  We will have the stalemate situation right to the very end, to the very breakthrough,  the compression breakthrough and then things will happen very fast.

保持对讯息的谨慎也是好的,因为在【事件】发生前不会有什么证据。即使一个存有对他所知道的关于事件的讯息保持怀疑,一旦【事件】发生了,他也将知道怎么去做.对所有人来说,了解现状和真相都很好,因为【事件】一旦启动, 他本来怀疑的就不会继续怀疑了。阴谋集团的一个非常主要的心理战术就是让大众以为什么都没有发生.阴谋集团伪造一切正常的情况,这种伪装会一直持续到突破.在突破前不会有什么激烈的进展给我们看,我们在最终胜利前都处于这个僵局里面。压缩突破以后事情就会非常快的发生~!

 Lynn - And then we’ll have a lot of people waking up.  (Yes, exactly).


 Lynn -  Cobra can you tell us the difference between a light-worker a light-warrior?


 COBRA - Light workers are forced only on the light and their purpose is to spread light and anchor light on the planet and they have a tendency to deny the existence of darkness on this planet, so the vast majority of light workers are in certain level of denial about the presence of darkness but they are still doing a great job of holding and anchoring the light on the planet.  The light warriors are usually focused more on removal of the darkness of this planet and there needs to be a certain balance needs to be created between the light worker’s approach and the light warrior’s approach to the situation because the truth is somewhere in the middle.  It is important to be aware of the darkness but it is also very important to focus on the light and to anchor the light on the planet.

光之工作者只关注在光,他们只想散播光,把光锚定在地球上, 他们会经常有一个倾向是去否定黑暗的存在。广义上看,光工们普遍非常坚定的否定黑暗的一切, 他们也完成了非常伟大的工作,持有光和为地球锚定光。光战士则关注在如何移除这个星球上的黑暗,光战士有个重要课题,就是去寻找到平衡 ,在光战士的倾向和光工的倾向中,找到平衡,因为真理就在他们中间!对黑暗方保持警觉是非常重要的,但是关注在光和锚定光也是非常重要的。

Lynn - Thank you.  What message of encouragement can you give today specifically for all those individual dedicated Light workers and light-warriors who are on the line of duty holding their lines by their light during this tumultuous critical time?

感谢你,你有啥鼓舞的讯息给那些特殊的、奉献自己的光工和光战士们, 在当下这个混乱的临界点上还坚守岗位和使命的那些特殊的群体呀?

COBRA - Yes.  Actually it is very important to put things into perspective.  I know that everybody is tired and this is taking far too long  but if we understand that we are actually un-doing 25,000 years of darkness.  We are deconstructing the quarantine which has been here for 25,000 years and our purpose is to do this in a few years time.  We are doing a great job and we are making big progress and the final breakthrough will come and when it comes we will all be rewarded for our hard work.

是的。实际上对事情保持洞察力很重要呢, 我知道大家都非常累了, 使命已经进行了这么久和这么远了,但如果我们洞察到我们在去解开两万五千年的黑暗的话,我们的意图是瓦解持续两万五千年的隔离,而且我们要在几年之内完成....我们在做一件非常伟大的工作, 我们完成了巨大的进展~! 最终突破到来的时候, 我们一定会被我们艰难的工作荣耀!


 Lynn - I’m looking forward to that celebration.


COBRA - Yes. After the event there will be a big celebration and a period of happiness will begin that will never end.  The suffering was never intended to be part of the life experience and it will never be again after the darkness is gone from this planet.

是呀,【事件】之后会有一个伟大的庆典, 欢乐会开始并且永不结束~! 痛苦不再是生命必须需要体验的部分, 同时黑暗被移除这个星球以后,痛苦将永不存在!

  Lynn - Thank you.  With so many stories going around the net about a multi dimensional jump, Wave-x pulse of light etc.... What do you Cobra, foresee happening around the days of the last blood moon at the end of September?

网络上有大量的故事,关于多维度传送、X星能量潮,等等, 眼镜蛇先生,你有啥预见没有? 关于9月底的最后一个血月?

COBRA - It will be the usual normal September without any drastic events.  Of course things will happen as they’re happening already.  They might escalate to a certain degree but I am not expecting any ground shattering event or any cataclysmic  event at that point. There are greater cosmic cycles that are more important than those blood moons or anything that people are predicting and September is not the time frame that the RM is expecting thebig breakthroughs to happen.

这会是一个普通的9月不会有什么重大的新闻. 当然某些事情会恰当的发生,如果它已经开始发生.这些事会升级到更高的程度,我不期待会有大规模地震和洪水在这个当下。9月有非常伟大的宇宙周期性事件呢,比什么人类预言血月和其他的要重要得多, 9月并不是抵抗运动期待的伟大突破的时间周期。

Lynn - So we can all sit back and know that the event is probably not going to happen in September.


COBRA - I am not making any predictions specifically, but I’m saying that there is no need to be afraid of anything drastic or negative happening in the time-frame of September of this year.

我不做出任何特别的预言,我在说明, 9月不需要去担心任何激烈的负面事件或者激烈的事件.

 Lynn - OK.  There is TALK of chatter regarding the Currency revaluations these days? What is your knowledge regarding this matter?


COBRA - Again, people are predicting these currencies and RV that are happening today or tomorrow and these predictions are on-going for a few years time.  Actually the currency RV is part of the re-set which will happen at the time of the event, and not before.


Lynn - OK, so we just need to sit back and relax and not worry about that right now.


 COBRA - You can relax and sit back but you can also be active in changing the world around you.

你可以坐下放松, 但你也可以用行动来改变你周围的世界呀.

Lynn - OK.  Based on your information what advise can you give to all of those bond holders out there trying to cash them in through the banks or through the various “world heritage funds”? Do they have any Chance of this happening at all?

好,基于你的讯息, 你有什么建议给那些世界遗产基金的债券持有人, 他们试图通过银行和其他途径兑现债券为现金, 他们有机会做到吗?

COBRA - It is not very likely at this point because the Cabal is controlling the banking system.  I wish them luck but I am not very opportunistic about them at this point.


 Lynn - OK. What happened in Tianjin China on August 12?  There was a huge mushroom cloud like detonation that seems like it was a nuke.  Was this the result of sending a strong message-retaliation by the Illuminati to the Chinese who seem to be going out of script due to their currency devaluation the day earlier on 8/11?

好,天津812发生了什么? 爆炸伴随了巨大蘑菇云,看起来象X爆, 是光明会给出个一个强硬的报复信号吗,因为811中国人试图摆脱货币汇率游戏的规则。

 COBRA - This is exactly what happened.  This is part of the war between the Eastern alliance and the Cabal.  And the Cabal was using dirty weapons as much as it was possible and this situation will lead to some unexpected consequences for the Cabal in the future.  They have actually sped up the process and they have, with this action, have actually . . .there will be certain consequences of this.

事情就如同你说的, 这是东盟和阴谋集团的战斗的一部分。阴谋集团尽可能的用脏弹了, 这件事导致了某种严重后果,未来不久,阴谋集团要承担这个后果, 这件事加速了进程。

Lynn - OK.  Especially during the last few decades the Illuminati has been very successful in deceiving humanity by deception, especially  "The great trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world he doesn't exist “.  Why so few people in the spiritual community are discussing the role of Satan & Lucifer during this critical time and only discussing the extraterrestrials? What do you think is the reason behind all of this?

是呀,尤其是最近10年,光明会成功的用骗局骗了所有人,尤其是这句: 邪恶最大的戏法就是让世界认为邪恶不存在. 为什么灵性圈子里面有些人喜欢谈论撒旦和路西法的地位?为什么这些人喜欢把矛头向地外文明? 你觉得这背后的一切是什么?

COBRA - The reason behind all this is BECAUSE those individuals you mentioned are no longer important in the great scheme of things.

这背后的一切是因为: 你提到的些特殊的人不会在伟大蓝图里面重要了 .

 Lynn -  What do you mean Cobra? Why are they not important?


COBRA - Because one of them has been removed from the planet and gone to the central sun and the other one has crossed to the light and is working for the light forces.

因为他们中的一个已经被从地球移除回中央太阳回炉了, 剩下的手下转向和服务于光了。

Lynn - Which one is working for the light forces


COBRA - This is classified information at this point.


 Lynn - Oh. OK.  Would be fair to say that this ascension times we are experiencing now arealso a "harvesting of souls" by the light and by the dark?


 COBRA - I would not agree with that because the word harvesting is very emotionally loaded. I would say that the ascension is a process of lifting the vibrational frequency of beings on this planet and other planets and merger of personalities of human beings for their souls and with the light frequencies.  There will be no harvesting of souls either by the light or by the dark.  It is simply a revolutionary process that will culminate not only in the event but with further spiritual development that will happen after the event.

我不会同意你这说法, 因为单词“收割”是一个非常沉重而又情绪化的词。 我会说, 这个上升是地球和其他星球的振动频率扬升的过程。人类的个性和灵魂的合一,提示到光的频率.那里不会有灵魂的争夺了,无论是光还是黑暗.这只是简单的解放过程。【事件】后,这个扬升过程会达到极点,是灵性的成长。

Lynn - OK.  After the 'Event' has occurred, would you care sharing with us any detail that we can  realistically expect for the following 10-20 years regarding the massive upcoming earth changes scheduled to occur for this planet or return it to its original virgin-pristine condition of heaven on earth?

好,【事件】发生以后,你会介意分享给我们如下情报,未来10到20年内,有什么重要的事情会发生?地球会重新返回到她的原始生态吗? 地球会变成天堂吗?

COBRA - After the event there will be many many, very positive changes that will have the ultimate goal of earth becoming a paradise planet again.


 Lynn - Can you give us an example?

你能给我们举个例子吗 ?

 COBRA - After the event, we will have the first contact and after the first contact various positive races will bring technology to clear all the pollution.  There will be a process of awakening of the masses and all this process will lead towards the creation of a very positive galactic society on the surface of this planet.

【事件】后我们会有第一次接触, 第一次接触发生以后,其他正面星际种族会给我们送来科技处理一切污染. 会有人类的大规模觉醒, 很多工作都持续进行,把地球变成光之银河联邦的一个成员。

 Lynn - Great.  Can you shed any light on the mysterious pillars of light that have been seen all over the world in the past couple of weeks? What is their purpose and how are they created?

真棒! 你能透露一下如下情报,近几周内有那些光的神秘光柱已经出现在我们面前? 他们的意图是什么,怎么创造的?

COBRA - OK .  Most of these are light reflection in the land or a flash artifact made with a camera.  There are some genuine sightings of those pillars and those who are genuine, I would say between 10-20% of those are genuine are manifestations of the light forces which are creating the light phenomena to awaken the masses.  Awaken the population.


Lynn - Thank you for that clarification.  That’s kind of what I was thinking.  One last question about the financial situation.   Are you still expecting a complete shutdown or collapse of the financial system so the new one can be implemented? Has anything changed in this regard?

感谢你的澄清, 我也是这么想的。还有一个问题关于金融, 你还期待一次完全的关闭,或者一次完全的崩溃发生在旧体制,然后新体制才能建立吗, 这个部分有改变吗?

 COBRA - The plan hasn’t changed.  It is still the same.  I am expecting the complete shut-down of the banking system for a certain limited period of time because this is the only way a complete transformation can happen.

计划没有改变,还是一样的。我期待一次完全的旧有银行体制的关闭, 而且是关闭一个时期,这是唯一的方式 让转变完全的发生。

 Lynn - OK.  That concludes the general questions that were about current events.


Midpoint commercial:If this information is resonating with you and if you are ready to open your mind to eceive what Cobra and the Prepare For Change.NET team is going to present in the upcoming Disclosure Series. You can sign up for the Prepare for Change newsletter and show updates at www.prepareforchange.net .

 Our next show will be titled: The Disclosure Chronicles Series I –The Creation.  Where Cobra will take us back in time and start in the beginning of  Creation. We want to be clear that today's show is only an introduction to our upcoming amazing disclosure series that we hope will equip you with the information and wisdom that will prepare you to be ready for the amazing upcoming planetary changes, not just in the physical plane but in the spiritual realm as well. Our intention is to help you learn to discern information and therefore avoid all speculation, fiction, disinformation & misinformation that currently fill the main stream media and most of the World Wide Web. Cobra is the first individual who in 2012 announced what he called “The Event”, now  known by many other names. You can find all of his enlightening and informative updates at his website: www.2012portal.blogspot.com. His information has been proven over time to be consistently accurate.

插播了关于pfc 网站的介绍和广告.

Lynn - What I’d like to go into now, Cobra, is a section that I hope you can help us with as far as giving us a little bit of our history.  Actually the first thing I wanted to ask you about was the compression breakthrough.  If you can kind of describe that in detail for newer people that might not understand what that means.

眼镜蛇先生, 我想说的是,你能多少给我们一些关于人类历史的讯息。第一个问题是关于什么是压缩突破? 这是为了那些新收听我们节目不了解的人问的。

 COBRA - The compression breakthrough is a process of light reaching the surface of the planet.  We have light forces above the surface of the planet and we have light forces below the surface of the planet and when the light forces from below the surface of the planet are proceeding towards the surface of the planet and the light forces above the surface of the planet are also descending towards the surface of the planet.  And when they meet on the surface of the planet, that is the moment of the compression breakthrough and it is a process which has it’s basis in certain higher dimensional hyper dimensional physics.  It is something that is inevitable.  It is something that must occur as a result of the cosmic transformation that we are in.  And when the light forces from above and below meet on the surface of the planet, there will be a drastic and very intense transformation of the surface of the planet and that is the compression breakthrough.  And the compression breakthrough has physical and non-physical aspects.  The physical aspects we all know.  This is the financial re-set, this is the mass arrest of the Cabal and the beginning of the disclosure process.  And the non-physical aspect is mainly the galactic wave, the wave of galactic light coming to the surface of the planet and the event flash will be actually the culmination of this galactic energy coming towards the surface of the planet.  And there has been many galactic super waves in the past but nothing like what will happen now because now we are in the faze of final completion of the removal of darkness from this universe and this has not happened and never before.  It is something that is unique.  Something that nobody has ever experiences.  We can not predict exactly how this will look like in details but it will definitely be the most extraordinary event of our lives.  


Lynn - I can’t wait.  This is great.  So, would you confirm then Cobra, this involves physical and non physical in this process?  (Yes, exactly)

我已经迫不及待! 这太美好了! 光的突破在物理层和非物理层都发生吗? 眼镜蛇:是的,确实是。

Lynn - OK.  Alright.  Now I’m going to go into some questions that mainly have to do with

our history.  And we’re going to touch on a little bit deeper subjects, about spirit and soul, so I’ll just proceed. Can you explain more about masculine and feminine energy?  What the difference is and how we both, we have both within us.

好,嗯, 现在我们要回到关于人类历史类问题, 这次我们要触及一下深一点的问题了。关于灵魂和灵体的问题. 好了我直接提问, 您能给我们解说一下男性和女性能量吗? 他们的区别? 为什么我们有两种能量? 

COBRA - OK.  Masculine/feminine energies are present in this universe since the creation of the universe.  They are actually, the masculine energy is the electric energy and the feminine energy is the magnetic energy and there is always an interaction.  All manifested matter in this universe is a result of a dynamic direction between feminine and masculine energies and we also have those two polarities inside of us and when we bring them into perfect balance this is a very important aspect of our ascension.  On this planet the Cabal has artificially suppressed the feminine principle, the feminine aspect because they knew that by doing that it is much easier to control humanity and now from the center of the galaxy very powerful feminine energy is coming to balance it.  And this new balance between feminine and masculine energies is one very important aspect of this process we are now in.

好,男性、女性能量在这个宇宙的创造之初就存在了, 实际上,男性能量是电性能量,而女性能量属于磁性能量.二者一直交互影响. 这个宇宙已经被证明是这两种充满活力的能量交互的结果.我们内在同时携带两种能量,将这二种能量达到完美的平衡对于提升我们的内在非常重要.这个星球上阴谋集团人为压抑了女性能量本能.其原因是阴谋集团知道这么做可以更加容易的控制人类. 今天,来自银河系中心的女神能量会到地球去平衡他. 这个新的男性女性能量的平衡对我们今天是非常重要的事情。

  Lynn - Thank you. Can you tell us a little bit of the history of the Sisterhood of theRose? (SOTR)  Where did this originate and who were members of this.

感谢你,眼镜蛇,你能告诉我们一些关于玫瑰姐妹团队的故事吗?这个团队在哪里? 谁是成员呢?

 COBRA - OK.  Basically, SOTR originates from the central rays, the central civilization. It is the first high spiritual develop civilization that has evolved in the central region of this galaxy and there were certain beings that belong to the central civilization that were spreading this understanding and spreading the light of the Goddess throughout the galaxy and one of those beings came to planet earth in Atlantis and has formed the SOTR in Atlantean times.  And there were many temples of the Goddess on Atlantis and their purpose was to anchor the presence of the Goddess on the planet and after the Cabal destroyed those temples, this balance has been disturbed and this new dis-balance has actually resulted in the destruction of Atlantis.  And after that the SOTR groups were present in many countries.  It was in their mystery schools trying to keep that balance as much as possible.  Now the time has come for us to re-awaken that feminine presence and to form new SOTR groups because this is very important for the time of the event.  So I would like to ask as many people as possible to form those groups throughout the planet, to meet regularly on the physical plane and to anchor the Goddess energy on the planet as much as possible.

好,基本上,玫瑰姐妹组织来自中央文明的中央光束。他们是第一个诞生在银河中央区域高度灵性进化的文明。他们把知识和女神能量传播到了全银河系,第二个亚特兰蒂斯时期,一个中央文明存有来到了地球,在地球建立了玫瑰姐妹团组织.那时候有许多的女神神庙把女神的能量锚定在地球,阴谋集团毁坏掉这些神庙以后,这个平衡被破坏了,新的不平衡的能量状态,竟然导致了亚特兰蒂斯的毁灭! 在哪之后,玫瑰姐妹团出现在了好多国家,在神秘学校里面尽可能的去维持能量的平衡。今天是时候了,我们要用新的玫瑰姐妹团来复苏神圣的女神能量临在, 因为这个时间点,这对事件非常重要.所以我希望要求尽可能多的人,通过这些团队来遍布地球。在物质实相有规律的聚会来把女神能量锚定到地球! 要尽可能的多!

Lynn - Thank you for that Cobra.  prepareforchange.net is incorporating SOTR in the healing group and we are forming those groups all over the world currently, so for anyone who is interested please to go to www.prepareforchange.net and sign up.  We will announce activities upcoming.  Ok Cobra, if we could go back to spirit.  Could you give us a description of the purpose of spirit?

感谢你做的一切,眼镜蛇,准备转变团队已经在疗愈团队里面整合了玫瑰姐妹团队,我们最近在全世界组成这样的团队.现在有兴趣加入团队的存有可以去www.prepareforchange.net注册,我们会公告我们的活动。好了,眼镜蛇,如果我们能回归到灵性的世界, 你能帮我们描述一下灵修的方向吗?

COBRA - OK.  The origin of the spirit is the source, is the One.  And the purpose of spirit is to assist in returning all creation back into the One.  This process again as I said, is culminating right now, so now it’s the most important time for each individual to connect with his higher self, with his  spirit with his source as much as possible.


Lynn -  What is the difference between spirit and soul?


 COBRA - There is a technical difference because spirit is the source where soul comes from but both are aspects of our higher dimension, our higher dimensionality, our higher energy bodies I would say.  There is always spirit and matter are both aspects of each other and they manifest in different ways through different dimensions.  Both spirit and matter in various manifestation have the same optimum goal, to return back into the One.


 Lynn - Is there a certain process that involves the soul’s evolution?


 COBRA - It is always a process of evolution because the soul on the deepest level remembers the One because it originates from the One and that inner drive is of course of evolution which always manifests a little bit differently for different people.  But the ultimate goal and the ultimate motivation is the same.


Lynn - And once we get out of 3D will we understand these things. 一旦我们摆脱3d,我们就会明白这一切.

COBRA - You can even begin to understand them now.  You don’t need wait to come out of 3D because understanding is not limited with dimensions.  You can reach that understanding even now. 

你现在就可以明白这一切! 你不需要等待摆脱3d,因为洞察是不受次元限制的,你现在就能够获得洞察.

Lynn - Is our body a holographic creation?

COBRA - Actually everything in this universe, including our body is a holographic creation. 

Lynn - Wow.  Can we experience life anywhere in creation as anything we want to?

COBRA - After we reach a certain level of spiritual freedom, yes. 
在我们提高到完全自由的神性境界 ,我们可以体验的.

Lynn - What is that level?  How do we know that we’ve attained it. 
那是啥境界? 我们如何知道我们达到了这个境界呀?

COBRA - This is possible after we switch our attention, when we are no longer subjected to entropy to those lower dimensions, then we are absolutely free to go wherever we want, to experience whatever we want, of course in complete harmony with the divine plan.    

Lynn - Thank you.  What is consciousness?
谢谢你啊, 那什么是意识?

COBRA - Consciousness is actually a dynamic interaction between spirit and matter.  It is the, actually intersection between spirit and matter.  It is the spirit which begins to be aware of itself as matter which connects back with itself.


Lynn - So would you say that . . . How is consciousness and spirit connected?

COBRA - Actually, spirit at one point decided to project itself into matter and consciousness is born as a result of that interaction.

Lynn - What are the advantages of connecting to spirit? 什么决定了和神性的连接?COBRA - It is quite obvious.  Before we connect with spirit, we are not truly alive because spirit is the source of all life.

这非常明显的呀! 在我们连接神性之前,我们都不是真正的活着,因为神性是一切生命的源头.

Lynn - So it’s like the seed.  (Yes)  My next question is; Why should we do it? 

COBRA - It’s up to you, you are not forced to do it, but if you do it, you will definitely each more inner happiness and you will also assist other beings in this universe to reach more happiness. 


Lynn - That sounds like a pretty good reason.  (Yes, exactly)  Will we remember who we areand the purpose of our being on Earth at some point?

这听起来是非常不错的原因呢! 眼镜蛇:是呀 确实是. lynn:你能回忆起我们是谁,我们在地球的一些时刻的事情吗?

COBRA - Of course, everybody does remember their purpose when you reach a certain level of connection with your higher self, with you soul. 


Lynn - Can you give us some pointers on how best to connect with spirit? 

COBRA - You can always connect with your higher self with meditation, with an experience in beauty and with experiencing  joy, so whatever brings you joy and whatever inspires you to beauty is a direction to go to connect you with spirit. 

Lynn - Can we connect to other spirits?

COBRA - Yes, of course when you are connected with your own higher self, you are always in oneness with all other beings of light.
是呀 当然了, 当你在合一的境界连接到自己的高我的时候, 你也能在合一在状态连接到其他所有的光之存有了。

Lynn - Can you tell us a little bit about soul families, what they are?

你能告诉我们一些关于灵魂家族的事吗? 他们是什么存在呀?

COBRA - Soul families are groups of souls that have been born in the same stream of life through the portal of the galactic central sun at a certain point in history and shared some similar experiences on their journey through their existence. 

灵魂家族是我们的银河中央太阳在同一个当下在同样的银河能量潮中和同样的一个能量门户下,创造出的一组灵魂, 他们会共享一些体验 有很多相似性。

Lynn - Do we have the ability to connect to people from our past such as ancestors,deceased relatives and people that we have known in past lives?


COBRA - Yes, of course you can connect with those people if you align with their vibrational frequency, if you have a similar vibration frequency as they have.  There is always a possibility of connection.


Lynn - How about our ability to connect with higher evolved spirits like Ascended Masters?

COBRA - Again, If you have your connection with your soul, with your higher self, through that connection you can always connect with the Ascended Masters. 


Lynn - Why do many people feel so connected to extraterrestrial life?


COBRA - It is simply because life has never been isolated only to this planet and it’s a natural tendency of everybody to connect with their star brothers and star sisters from other planets and other star systems.  It’s a very natural tendency to connect with parts of your family.

答案很简单, 生命不是孤立的存在在地球上,宇宙中的生命都喜欢去连接他们的兄弟星球和姐妹星球,去连接其他星系,这在我们宇宙都是非常自然的倾向,去连接你的家庭成员。

 Lynn - How does spirit play into your information?


COBRA - Actually when anybody is connected with spirit it is much easier for that person toaccess sources of information, physical ones and non physical ones. 

实际上,任何连接到神性的人都会更容易的获得那个人想要的讯息, 物质层意识和非物质层意识都一样。

Lynn - We know that you have top secret information that you can’t disclose but do you have internal sources that you access? 


COBRA - Yes, of course I have internal and external sources.  It’s always both.


Lynn - Are you able to tell us about these.


COBRA - No, no, no. 不不不

Lynn - OK.  Is there a divine plan already pre-set for the human race or is it a matter of free will on on our part of humanity?

好吧,请问你是否有设定好的服务于人类种族的神圣蓝图, 或者说对人性部分的自由意志有帮组的呢?

COBRA - Divine plan is always dynamic and you can always improve it by using your free will for the light.  So you can always make things better.  There is a general outline but there is always a lot of room for change and improvement. 

神圣蓝图一直都在不停的变动的, 但是你依据神圣自由意志,你可以提高你服务于光的蓝图!你可以致力于去改善周围一切。神圣蓝图有一个大体的纲要. 但同样有很多不同的选择和空间提供给你去改善。

Lynn - OK.  Is there anything that you would like to say Cobra, to your world wide audience and anything that you would like to impart to help prepare.

好啊,眼镜蛇, 你有什么事情是想要说的,或者给你全球的听众们,有没有什么是你愿意提示的呀?

COBRA - I would like to encourage everybody to participate in the weekly meditations.  They are still very important.  Also, I would like to invite everybody to assist in creating SOTR groups.  And I would like to say that no matter that this is taking so long.  We are making big progress and if you consider there is a very small percentage of human population focused on the planetary liberation, we have been extremely successful and we will be even more successful in the future.

我想要给所有参加每周解放冥想的存有们鼓励,你们真的很重要! 同样,我想要建议大家都建立玫瑰姐妹的团队。 我还想说,无论解放地球的过程多么漫长,我们在创造伟大的奇迹。其实你只要想想地表人口中只有微小的比例在支持地球的解放,我们已经取得了无可估量的巨大胜利,而且,更大的胜利在未来等我们!

 Lynn - Can you give your web-site address please.

COBRA - You can go to google and google Cobra portal 2012 and you will find my web-sitevery easily. 

去谷歌搜索 Cobra portal 2012 你会很快找到:http://2012portal.blogspot.com

Lynn - OK very good.  Thank you so much Cobra for your time and attention and we all appreciate it when you give us information and just keep encouraging us so we thank you a lot.

好呀非常好!非常感谢你的时间和耐心,眼镜蛇! 当你给我们讯息和鼓励的时候,我们都非常珍视它.非常感谢你。

 COBRA - Yes, I would like to thank you for taking time and education to create this interview and I would like to thank everybody who has been supporting my mission.  My mission would not be so successful without that support and I would like to thank everybody who is working for the light.

嗯, 我也要感谢你呀 你设计和创办了这个访问! 我也感谢所有支持过我的任务的人们! 没有他们的支持我的任务不会如此成功,我要感谢每位服务于光的人!

Lynn - Great, thank you so much Cobra.  We will be talking to you soon.


COBRA - OK.  Very good.  Victory of the light.    

好 ,非常好, 光的胜利!


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