The Akashic Records and the Interactive Creation of Life’s Experiences
By Kevin J. Todeschi and Henry Reed
凯西解读经常讨论的一个术语“阿卡西记录”,对他的这项工作有巨大的影响。阿卡西来自梵语的“akasha”,这意味着无限的空间。用宇宙的“云”或跟踪一切超级计算机内存系统来比喻理解阿卡西记录,是很贴切的。爱德加·凯西认为,我们的生命故事:我们的想法、我们的言语、我们的行为和我们的关系 ,都存储在这些阿卡西记录中,这也是他的灵异解读的最终信息来源。然而,这些记录不仅仅是过去的汇总;相反,它们是互动的,并以某种方式汇集为一个人量身定制所需要的体验和关系,使她或他的个人得以成长和发展。显然,自由意志将使个人能够决定他们是否愿意学习所提供的一切课程,但是这些课程是他们的。最终,阿卡西记录是每个灵魂的“安全网”,确保每个人都将有机会成为他或她应该成为样子。
A term frequently discussed by the Edgar Cayce readings that had a tremendous impact upon his work was the term “the Akashic Records.” Derived from the Sanskrit word “akasha,” which means boundless space, the Akashic Records might best be compared to the universe’s “Cloud” or a supercomputer memory system that keeps track of everything. Edgar Cayce suggested that the story of our lives – our thoughts, our words, our deeds, and our relationships – are stored in these Akashic Records, which served as the ultimate source of information for his psychic readings. However, these records are much more than simply a compilation of the past; instead, they are interactive and somehow draw together experiences and relationships specifically needed by each individual for her or his personal growth and development. Obviously, free will enables individuals to decide whether or not they are willing to learn whatever lesson has been presented but the lesson is theirs nonetheless. Ultimately, the Akashic Records are each soul’s “safety net,” insuring that everyone will eventually have the opportunity to become all that he or she was meant to be.
Also called “the Book of Life,” “God’s Book of Remembrance, or even an aspect of Divine mind, on numerous occasions during the process of giving a reading, Edgar Cayce became aware of what happened to his own consciousness as he tuned into these records:
“我看到自己变成一个小点离开我的物理身体,身体在我面前一动不动地躺着。 我觉得自己被黑暗所压制,有一种非常寂寞的感觉。 突然间,我意识到有一束白光。 我这个小点沿着光线向上移动,明白自己必须跟随它,否则就会迷失。”
“I see myself as a tiny dot out of my physical body, which lies inert before me. I find myself oppressed by darkness and there is a feeling of terrific loneliness. Suddenly, I am conscious of a white beam of light. As this tiny dot, I move upward following the light, knowing that I must follow it or be lost.”
“当我跟着这条光线走时,逐渐意识到有各种各样层面,每个层面都有自己的运动形式。 在最初的级别里,有模糊,可怕的形状,怪异的形式,如在恶梦中看到的。 继续走,在周边开始出现畸形的人类,身体的一部分被放大。 继续,又有变化,我意识到灰袍包裹的形式向下移动。 渐渐地,周围的光亮有了色彩。 然后方向改变,这些形相体向上移动,长袍的颜色变得更加明快。 接下来,周围开始出现在房屋、墙壁、树木等模糊轮廓,但一切都是静止的。“
“As I move along this path of light I gradually become conscious of various levels upon which there is movement. Upon the first levels there are vague, horrible shapes, grotesque forms such as one sees in nightmares. Passing on, there begin to appear on either side, misshapen forms of human beings with some part of the body magnified. Again there is change and I become conscious of gray-hooded forms moving downward. Gradually, these become lighter in color. Then the direction changes and these forms move upward and the color of the robes grows rapidly lighter. Next, there begin to appear on either side vague outlines of houses, walls, trees, etc., but everything is motionless.”
“当我继续向前时,似乎出现了正常的城镇,有更多的光亮和运动。 随着运动的加快,我意识到有了声音,起初模糊的隆隆声,然后是音乐、笑声和鸟鸣。 然后越来越光明,颜色变得非常美丽,有美妙的音乐。 房子被抛在后面,前面只有声音和色彩的混合。 突然,我来到了一个记录大厅。 它是一个没有墙壁的大厅,没有天花板,但我意识到看到一个老人,给我一本大书,这就是我要寻求的个人的信息记录。“(凯西解读294-19报告文件)
“As I pass on, there is more light and movement in what appear to be normal cities and towns. With the growth of movement I become conscious of sounds, at first indistinct rumblings, then music, laughter, and singing of birds. There is more and more light, the colors become very beautiful, and there is the sound of wonderful music. The houses are left behind, ahead there is only a blending of sound and color. Quite suddenly I come upon a hall of records. It is a hall without walls, without ceiling, but I am conscious of seeing an old man who hands me a large book, a record of the individual for whom I seek information.” (Case #294-19 Report File)
解读说这个大厅并不是一个字面上的某个“地方”,而是表明凯西的这种经历是在更高层次意识中获取信息的象征性表征。 一旦获得了记录,凯西有能力选择最能帮助个人在当时生活中的信息。 解读通常指出,并非所有信息都是给出了,而只是提供那些“最有帮助和希望”的信息。如果后来此个体获得另一个解读,凯西的信息源当然会为个人提供更多的有帮助的洞见。
Rather than being a literal “place,” the readings suggested that this experience was essentially a symbolic representation of his accessing information at higher levels of consciousness. Once given the record, Cayce had the ability to select the information that would be most capable of assisting the individual at that moment in life. Frequently, the readings pointed out that not everything available was being provided but instead only that information which would be “most helpful and hopeful.” If another reading was obtained later, inevitably the Cayce source would provide additional insights helpful to the individual.
For ease of understanding, the Akashic Records might be conceived as containing three very different components: those records dealing with the past (including past lives), those records influencing present experiences and relationships, and those records analyzing the ever-evolving future.
关于过去,存储在阿卡西记录中的信息本质上与记忆有关。 访问和读取这种记忆的一个例子,与被称为濒死体验(NDE)所描述的类似。 自从穆迪博士(Raymond Moody)的畅销书《死后的世界》(Life After Life)出版以后,无数个濒死体验的例子都在网上、出版物和媒体上介绍出现。 这些故事中的一个共同点是,个人都会遇到“生命全景回顾”,就是看到他们整个生命历程。 这些濒死体验的这个过程,就是在经历自己的过去的阿卡西记录。 这些记录还包括前世的生活记忆,以及灵魂获取的才能、经验、倾向和欲望的总体积累。
In terms of the past, the information stored within the Akashic Records is essentially related to memory. One example of how accessing this memory can be experienced has been discussed in the phenomenon known as the Near-Death Experience (NDE). Ever since Raymond Moody’s bestseller, Life After Life, countless examples of NDE’s have appeared online, in print and in the media. One of the commonalities among many of these stories is that individuals encounter a “life review” – seeing glimpses of their entire lifetime flash before them. Ultimately, what is occurring in this process is that these people are experiencing their own Akashic Records of the past. These records also include memory from previous lifetimes as well as the overall accumulation of a soul’s talents, experiences, inclinations, and desires.
爱德加·凯西的秘书格拉迪斯·戴维斯(Gladys Davis)告诉办公室工作人员,她对刀和剪刀等尖锐的切割工具感到恐惧。 她表示,她整个生命中,每当她看到一个尖锐的器具,或者看到有人使用一个人时,她经常被“紧张的恐惧”所挟持。 后来她终于明白,这种恐惧是前世生活记忆的一部分:根据爱德加·凯西为她的解读信息,在古代波斯,她曾经被一把剑穿过而死亡。 一旦知道恐惧来自哪里,它就开始消失了,她不再有这个问题了。
Edgar Cayce’s secretary, Gladys Davis, told members of the office staff that she had an intense phobia of sharp, cutting instruments such as knives and scissors. She stated that throughout her life she had often been gripped by “nervous fear” whenever she saw a sharp instrument near her or witnessed someone else using one. She eventually came to understand this fear as part of a past-life memory: according to Edgar Cayce’s own readings for her in ancient Persia she had been killed by being run through with a sword. Once she understood where the fear came from, it began to diminish and she no longer had an issue with it.
来自凯西信息的一个独特的概念是,前世的“业力”本质上是记忆 - 它是个体过去的记忆在她或他现在的生活经历和关系中遇到(并需面对处理)的。 我们都有这样的记忆的例子,有一些我们被吸引的职业,或者我们喜欢的特定食物,或是吸引某些文化和历史时期。 那些似乎是我们的天生的东西,通常可以追溯到业力记忆。 另外一些例子包括第一次见到某人,就不喜欢那个人,或见到某人,并立即被那个人吸引。 爱德加·凯西说,我们把以前遗留的又重新捡起来:所有的关系、才能、我们的敌意和缺点。
A unique concept from the Cayce information is that past-life “karma” is essentially memory – it is memory from the past that the individual encounters (and deals with) in her or his present-life experiences and relationships. We all have examples of this kind of memory – we have certain occupations we are drawn to, or specific kinds of food we like, or cultures and historical timeframes that appeal to us. Those things that seem to be an innate part of who we are can oftentimes be traced to karmic memory. Other examples include meeting someone for the very first time and not liking that person, or meeting someone and having an instant positive attraction to that individual. Edgar Cayce stated that we pick up all of our relationships, our talents, our animosities, and our shortcomings exactly where we left them off.
In regards to the Akashic Records of the present, the readings suggest that each of us has an almost unlimited number of patterns from the past (both positive and negative) that can be “re-energized” by our thoughts, activities and relationships in the present. Some of these patterns relate to positive qualities and talents, while others deal with negative behaviors and shortcomings. Each of these is essentially the byproduct of what the soul has done with its prior experiences. For example, an innate musical talent is simply the individual picking up an ability that was acquired previously. Conversely, an innate negative behavior, such as selfishness, aggression, bigotry, etc., can be a shadow of negative choices and experiences from the past. What’s important for us to become aware of in the present is that it is just as easy to energize a negative pattern by our thoughts and activities as it is a positive one. That is why the Cayce information frequently recommended working with spiritual ideals.
从凯西的角度来看,我们每个人都清楚地在其他人身上看到了我们自己的优缺点。 我们经常在与他人的关系中处理我们的业力记忆(包括正面和负面的)。 最终,阿卡西记录会吸引来我们反映我们自己的优点和缺点的人,这是遵循普遍的法律:“同性相吸”。我们每个人都在别人那里非常明确地看到我们自己的需求。
From Cayce’s perspective, each of us clearly sees our own strengths and weaknesses in other people. And we often deal with our karmic memory (both positive and negative) in our relationships with others. Ultimately, the Akashic Records draw to us people that mirror our own strengths and weaknesses, following the universal law: “Like attracts like.” Each of us sees in other people something very specific to our own needs.
爱德加·凯西的解读清楚地表明,我们在此生所涉及到的每一种关系和每一次经历,都有潜力为灵魂个体的整体化提供有帮助和有希望的机遇。 凯西认为地球是一个“因果关系”教室,每个人不断有机会去遭遇自己,并在物质世界实践灵性原则。 凯西解读不同于某些新时代的思想学派,生活目的不是“断轮回离开地球”,而我们的最终目标是把灵性带入地球,在此过程中体现灵魂的本性。 我们通过这些课程和关系的成功,决定了灵魂及下来所追求的一系列经历。 其实,现在的每个选择都会导致另一系列潜在的未来。
The Edgar Cayce readings clearly state that each relationship and every experience that we find ourselves involved with in the present has the potential to be helpful and hopeful in terms of the soul’s quest for personal wholeness. Cayce saw the earth as a “cause and effect” classroom whereby each individual constantly has the opportunity to meet self and apply spiritual principles in the material world. Differing than some New Age schools of thought, rather than “getting out of the earth,” the readings’ premise is that our ultimate goal is to bring spirit into the earth, manifesting the individuality of the soul in the process. Our success with those lessons and relationships determines the next series of experiences the soul draws to itself. Actually, each choice in the present leads to another series of potential futures.
例如,如果一个灵魂在现在真的搞砸了,完全忽视了呈现给他的课程,并且变得滥用(甚至是犯罪)与他人的关系,下一次这个灵魂会有更多的限制性的参数。 最终,宇宙会让灵魂经历更多的麻烦。 相反,一个在其学习议程上真正有收益的灵魂,将会给予更大的灵活性和更多的自由读,以方便实现将“灵性引入地球”。我们的个人自由意志与阿卡西记录带给我们的课程完成度,密不可分。
For example, if a soul really messes up in the present – totally ignoring the lessons that are being presented and becoming abusive (or even a criminal) in relationship to others – the next time around that soul will have much more limited parameters of free will. Ultimately, the universe will only let a soul get into so much trouble. Conversely, a soul that really achieves lessons on its learning agenda will be given much greater flexibility and much greater parameters of free will in which to bring “spirit into the earth.” Our personal free will is inextricably connected to how well we interact with the lessons that the Akashic Records draw to us.
阿卡西记录的未来篇体现出不断变化的可能性和潜力。 未来不是一成不变的,相反,未来会因为我们在现在所做的每一个想法、每一个选择和每一个决定的改变而改变。 从根本上说,未来是一个不断演变的阴影,它可能完全取决于现在做什么与他从过去学到的东西。 然而,由于我们不断收到阿卡西记录的信息,这些材料与我们个人息息相关并可以“调谐接触”到,我们可以在一些直觉印象、第六感,甚至是我们的梦想里,瞥见变化中的未来。 事实上,凯西解读指出,任何人发生任何重要事件,都先在梦中预示过的。
The Akashic Records of the future embody an ever-changing array of possibilities and potentials. The future is not fixed; instead, the future changes and alters with every thought, every choice and every decision we make in the present. Essentially the future is an ever-evolving shadow of that which may be, totally dependent upon what one does in the present with what he or she has learned from the past. However, because we are constantly receiving information from the Akashic Records, essentially “tapping into” the material connected to us personally, our changing futures can be glimpsed in intuitive impressions, hunches, and even our dreams. In fact, the Cayce readings state that nothing of significance ever happens to anyone without it first being foreshadowed in a dream.
由于阿卡西记录的特质,以及负责为每一个灵魂精确规划去所需的事实,阿卡西记录不断地计算概率:如果此个体这样做,可能的结果是这个; 如果有人做出这样的选择,那么那个就是有可能收获的结果。 我们睡觉时,经常调整到超级意识思想和自己潜在的未来。 这正是凯西所说的在梦境中看到未来阴影的意思。
Because of the nature of the Akashic Records and the fact that there are responsible for drawing to every soul exactly what that soul needs, the Akashic Records are constantly calculating probabilities – if the individual does this, this is the probable outcome; if someone makes this choice, this is where it is potentially headed. As we sleep, we often tune into the superconscious mind and our own potential futures. This is exactly what Cayce meant by seeing a shadow of the future in the dream state.
很多人都有这样的经历,例如与某人进行交谈,或者去某个地方,忽然一下子就想起来:“等等,我好像经历过这个对话...”或者说,“我来过这里...“这些所谓记忆幻觉(déjà vu)的经历发生,是因为在大多数情况下,个人曾经梦到过这些的活动。现在经历的时候,那一部分记忆激活了。 这种déjà vu基本上与调整到更高层次的意识有关。
For example, many individuals have had the experience of having a conversation with someone, or going somewhere, and all at once having the realization, “What a minute – I’ve already had this conversation…” Or, “I’ve already been here…” These experiences of déjà vu happen because most often an individual dreamed about the activity previously and while it is occurring there is a partial memory of having encountered it before. This kind of déjà vu is essentially associated with tuning into higher levels of consciousness.
亚伦·弗雷泽是一个三十岁的商务人士,当他梦到他公司组织结构的变化。 他的上司已经离开了公司,所以他成为首位候选人,这是一个升职机会。 在等待公司决定的时候,他有做了这个梦:
Aaron Frazier was a thirty-year old business when he had a dream that seemed to indicate a change in his company’s table of organization. His boss had left the company, making him one of the applicants in line for the job opening which would have meant a promotion. While waiting for the decision to be made, he had a dream:
我在公司总裁办公桌上看到了组织结构表。角度好像从总裁的肩膀看过去的,我看到他用一把橡皮擦擦掉了曾经属于我上司的整个部门,然后把它分成两个不同的部门。 然后用他的铅笔将其中一个部门划归公司现有的一个分部,然后把另一个部门划到另一个分部。
I saw the table of organization on the company president’s desk. As if somehow watching over his shoulder, I saw the president use a pencil eraser to erase the entire division that had once reported to my boss and separate it into two different departments. Using his pencil, he then connected one of the departments to an already existing division within the company and then he connected the other department to another division.
在一个星期后,公司宣布离任部门主管不会新聘。 作为节省成本的措施,公司已经决定将该部门拆分,并将其功能划归与公司现有的分部。 结果,梦者继续他原来的的工作,但归属于另一个部门主管,正如他在梦中所预演的那样。
Within a week, the company announced that the departing division director would not be replaced. Instead, as a cost-savings measure, the company had decided to break apart the division and separate its function between existing divisions within the corporation. As a result, the dreamer retained his job but ended up reporting to another division director, just as had been foreshadowed in his dream.
阿卡西记录不仅仅是一个记忆数据库,这些记录是互动的,因为它们对我们的现在以及即将展现的未来,有了巨大的影响。 我们不断与他们互动,下载我们需要的境况和体验,让我们成为更好的人。 这些记录也是我们的个人工具,用于跟踪我们所学到的课程,还有那些需要掌握的让灵魂更趋于整体化的课程。 事实上,爱德加·凯西表示,我们每个人所处的情况都是有其缘由的:周围一切都被阿卡西记录牵线拉到一起的。
The Akashic Records are much more than a memory storehouse of data, these records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon us in the present as well as upon our unfolding futures. We constantly interact with them, and they download those very circumstances and experiences we need to become better people. The records are our personal tool for keeping track of the lessons we’ve learned and still need to master on the soul’s wholeness curriculum. In fact, Edgar Cayce stated that each of us are where we are for a reason: it has been pulled together by the Akashic Records themselves.
凯丽的故事是说明阿卡西记录的一个很好的例子,她梦到“平板电脑”这样的记录。凯丽那时参加了凯西总部夏令营的“孵化梦境”项目。项目要求她独自待一天, 然后在白石溪畔为此设立了一个特别的“梦境帐篷”度过夜晚。 她一直在祈求有关她职业生涯方向的信息。 第二天早上,她报告如下:
A good example of the activity of the records comes from the story of Kelly, who had a dream of them as a “tablet.” Kelly was participating in a dream incubation project at A.R.E.’s summer camp by spending a day in isolation and then a night in a special “dream tent” erected for this purpose on the banks of White Rock Creek. She had been praying for information concerning the direction of her career. The next morning, she had this report:
“我半夜醒来,惊呆了一下,发现有大风吹来,梦境帐篷被吹走了! 一个小老太太出现了,叫我的名字,并命令我注意要发生的事情。 她说她准备我的身体死亡,风是精神力,将通过我检查七个腺体。 我起初很害怕,然后因为老妇人的信心和权威的光环而感到安心。 最后我完全臣服于这个经历。 此时,我看到一个大型的发光平板电脑,包含许多精美的视频片段,详细描述了我过去的经历和未来的生活。 这个景象突然结束,我发现自己躺在帐篷里,仿佛刚刚从梦中醒来。 然而,跟任何其他梦想比较,这种经历是非常不同的。 随着时间的推移,我有其他的梦想,解释了这个愿景,并给了我自信,为我的事业选择一个崭新的、创造性的道路。“
“I awoke in the middle of the night, startled to find that a strong wind was blowing, and that the dream tent had blown away! A small, old woman appeared, calling out my name, and commanded me to pay attention to what was about to happen. She said she was preparing my body for death and that the winds were spirits which would pass through me to check the seven glands. I was at first afraid, then took comfort in the old woman's aura of confidence and authority. Finally I surrendered to the experience. At that time, I saw before a large luminous tablet, containing many columns of fine print which detailed my past experiences and my future lives. This vision ended abruptly, and I found myself lying within the tent as if I had awakened from a dream. This experience was very different, however, from any other dreams. Over time, I had other dreams that commented on this vision, and gave me the confidence to choose a new, more creative path for my career.”
到底从什么来源让这样的梦境画出他们的信息?什么样的创造性智力来收集“如此”的信息适用于这么一个巧妙的目的?在今天的量子物理学语言中,拉兹(Ervin Lazlo)在他着名的《科学和阿卡西场:一切的整合理论》中,讲述并分享了凯西的阿卡西记录的科学版本。他解释说,正如有不可见但高度活跃的电磁场和引力场一样,还存在一个信息场。现代科学需要接受这种古老的印度教观念,其要点之一是“非局域性”。这个术语是指爱因斯坦称之为“远程行动”或远程信息的即时传输。一对超距分离的电子,保持连接其旋转极性的即时融合。除了这种“灵异”的连接外,拉兹还解释了这个信息领域是如何有智慧和目的的,以及其为造物的进化,特别是意识本身的发展,提供了一个指导系统。根据所得的证据,意识进化的方向远离以自我为中心,越来越朝向超个人的方向发展。
From what source do such dreams draw their information, not to mention the creative intelligence to gather the “just so” information to apply toward a ingenious purpose? In today’s language of quantum physics, Ervin Lazlo has compiled and shared the scientific version of Cayce’s Akashic vision in his well-regarded book Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything. He explains that just as there are invisible but highly active electro-magnetic fields, and gravitational fields, there exists also an informational field. One of the primary observations in modern science that require the acceptance of this ancient Hindu notion is that of “non-locality.” This term refers to what Einstein called “action at a distance,” or the instant transmission of information over large distances, as when a pair of widely separated electrons maintain an instant rapport connecting the polarity of their spin. More than this “psychic” connectivity, Lazlo goes on to explain how this informational field acts with intelligence and purpose, providing a guidance system for the evolution of creation, especially that of consciousness itself. The direction of the evolution of consciousness, according to the evidence, is away from an ego-centric point of view to a more transpersonal orientation.
Whether considered from the point of view of Cayce’s psychic vision or from the perspective of integral science, if the Akashic Records are the mind of God, then that God is one that actively cares that we “wake up” to the underlying reality of our existence.
最终,这将带来我们去哪里呢? 为什么我们应该学习彼此相爱,并且面对我们与自己和彼此之间的问题? 答案就是:我们可以成为充满爱心的创造者的值得的友伴。 灵魂注定要成长(并最终被唤醒),以意识到与创造者之间真正的关系。 无论什么代价去实现这种意识成长,正是阿卡西记录持续为每个灵魂吸引而来的。 凯西提出一个问题:“人的意志难道能持续地违反其缔造者的意愿吗?”这只是一个时间问题,我们都会共同加入成为友伴的,这是一个已经写在上帝的记忆册中的最终人类集体命运。
Ultimately, where is all of this leading? Why are we supposed to be working on loving one another and dealing with issues we have with ourselves and one another? The answer is really so that we can become worthy companions of an all-loving Creator. The soul is destined to grow (and eventually awaken) to an awareness of its true relationship to the Creator. Whatever it takes to bring about this growth in consciousness is exactly what the Akashic Records will continually draw toward the soul. Cayce asked one individual, how much longer “can the will of man continue to defy its Maker?” It is just a matter of time before we all join up in a sense of shared companionship, a destiny that is already written in the book of remembrances.
